What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis : Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

The uterus consists of three main layers, the outer, the middle and the internal. The internal layer is called the endometrium. A fertilized egg implants in it and grows. This layer, failing to receive a fertilized egg, bleeds and sheds during menstruation.

The endometrium prepares itself for a fertilized egg. When it receives a fertilized egg, it is not shed and the menstruation cycle stops.

Endometrial tissues grow in the internal layer of the uterus. But, when tissues of this kind grow outside the uterus and also act like real endometrium tissues (bleeding and shedding), this condition is diagnosed as endometriosis.

What are endometriosis cysts?

Endometriosis cyst, also called Endometriomas or chocolate cysts, is one of the four types of endometriosis. These dark cysts, filled with fluid of endometrium, grow most commonly in the ovaries. They can seriously harm the ovaries.

The other three types are:

  • Deeply infiltrating endometriosis (DIE). Generally found under the peritoneum, it can also grow in the bladder or bowels.
  • Superficial peritoneal endometriosis. This type is the most common. It can grow on the peritoneum, a thin film alongside the pelvic cavity.
  • Abdominal wall endometriosis. In rare cases, endometrial-like tissue can build up on the abdominal wall.

What are the symptoms of endometriosis?

Pelvic pain is the most commonly experienced symptom. Other endometriosis symptoms can vary from person to person.

  • Pain in times of periods
  • Pain while passing urine (mainly during periods)
  • Pain during bowel movements (mainly during periods)
  • Spotting between periods
  • Intense pain during sex
  • Infertility
  • Pain in the intestines
  • Chronic pain in the abdomen
  • Nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea (mainly during periods)

What causes endometriosis?

You might feel sad to know that the causes are unknown. However, researchers give their assumptions in this regard.

  • Retrograde menstruation. Many researchers doubt retrograde menstruation for endometriosis. In retrograde menstruation, blood from the endometrium flows back to the uterus. This way, it could be responsible for carrying the endometrium tissues to other organs.
  • Surgery. During surgery, these tissues can also stick to the other organs of the uterus.
  • Immune system disorder. This disorder can interfere in the functioning of the cells, due to which endometrium cells can grow in improper places.
  • Tissue transportation. Somehow, endometrium tissues can be transported to other areas of the uterus.

(Read More – Yoga for endometriosis Treatment in Hindi)

What are the risk factors of endometriosis?

There are a few risk factors that might enhance your chances of endometriosis.

  • Family history. Endometriosis in immediate family members like your sister, mother or grandmother may also increase your risk of it.
  • Menstruation cycle abnormalities. Too long or too short periods (including heavy or light bleeding) could also enhance the risk of it.
  • Immune system disorder. The immune system disorder might also contribute to its risk.
  • Abdominal surgery. Sometimes, an abdominal surgery—like a C-section (a caesarean delivery)—may also place endometrium cells in other places of the reproductive system.

How to prevent endometriosis?

Since, the causes are unknown; it is difficult to tell how to prevent it. But a few things, as they improve the health of the body, may be beneficial in preventing it.

  • Do exercise or yoga regularly.
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking or recreational drugs.
  • Reduce your tea or coffee intake.
  • Eat healthy foods.
  • Talk to your doctor about birth control medication.
  • You can also consult an Ayurvedic doctor for birth control methods and for enhancing fertility.
  • You can take Ayurvedic herbs for a better functioning of the body.

(Read More – Endometriosis: foods to eat and avoid, herbs and Ayurvedic treatment)

Endometriosis in Ayurveda

Ayurveda does not define endometriosis. But, as per the similarities of the symptoms of endometriosis, Ayurveda concludes that the cause of this condition could be the disturbed vata dosha.

Ayurveda talks of three doshas; kahpha, pitta and vata. Disturbed doshas can create problems in the body. And therefore, Ayurveda is focused on keeping these doshas in balance.

Ayurvedic treatment involves herbal medication, change in diet, exercise and therapies. Endometriosis pain is also relived by using herbs and therapies.

In one therapy, medicated oil is administered into the womb. This oil spreads to the internal organs of the reproductive system and begins its healing work.

Some other therapies are uttar basti, udvartana, abhyanga, basti karma, vamana, virechana, swedana and pizichill.

(Read More – Endometriosis: queries including risk factor for ovarian cancer)
